Water purification industry information

The effect of the cancellation of China's Generalized System of Preferences in 32 countries on the export of home appliances

Views : 54481
Update time : 2021-12-06 11:18:44
As a major home appliance manufacturing country and home appliance exporting country, China has been delivering a huge amount of home appliance products to the vast overseas markets. In the current situation of the global market that has sounded the alarm of the epidemic, China's home appliance industry is contributing a stable production capacity and quality of home appliances.
Home appliance export
However, since the beginning of this year, China's home appliance exports have been turbulent. According to statistics, from January to July this year, the growth rate of China's home appliance export has continued to slow down, and the export volume of certain categories has also fluctuated greatly. , There has also been "three drops and one increase": The latest data from the General Administration of Customs shows that in October 2021, China exported 1.93 million air conditioners, an increase of 3.5% year-on-year; from January to October, the cumulative exports were 46.11 million units, an increase of 11.0% year-on-year. In October, 5.92 million refrigerators were exported, a year-on-year decrease of 8.5%; from January to October, a total of 60.02 million refrigerators were exported, a year-on-year increase of 7.2%. In October, 1.8 million washing machines were exported, down 9.6% year-on-year; from January to October, 18.37 million units were exported, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year. In October, 8.07 million LCD TVs were exported, down 8.0% year-on-year; from January to October, a total of 68.26 million LCD TVs were exported, down 18.1% year-on-year.

The industry seems to have a foreboding of the decline in export volume, because it is closely related to changes in export-related policies. At the end of October this year, the General Administration of Customs issued a "Announcement on No longer Issuing GSP Certificates of Origin for Goods Exported to EU Member States, Britain, Canada, Turkey, Ukraine and Liechtenstein" (Announcement No. 84 of 2021) ) The content shows that from December 1, 2021, my country's customs will no longer issue GSP certificates of origin for goods exported to EU member states, the United Kingdom, Canada, Turkey, Ukraine and other 32 countries.

The GSP certificate of origin is a preferential certificate of origin issued by authorized agencies of the preferential country in accordance with the rules of origin and relevant requirements of the GSP preferential country. It is a preferential certificate of origin for export products to enjoy the tariff preference of the GSP preferential country. Official documents. In the past, the Generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin has provided many conveniences and preferential treatments for the export of Chinese home appliances, played an active role in the growth of foreign trade and industrial development, and brought consumers in overseas markets to China with excellent quality and high cost performance. Home appliances produced.

However, with the rapid development of our country's economy, we have achieved a great achievement in getting rid of poverty in an all-round way and moving towards a moderately prosperous society, and the economic construction has achieved remarkable results. From an economic point of view, my country is no longer applicable to the low-income standards of the World Bank. Therefore, many countries have also cancelled the GSP treatment according to the standards. Due to the abolition of the Generalized System of Preferences, when China's home appliances are exported to some countries, they will not only lose the convenience of the past, but also cannot enjoy tariff preferences. Objectively speaking, it does form a certain resistance to the export of home appliances.

As for how China's home appliance exports will develop after the GSP treatment is cancelled, some industry experts have made some analysis: at this stage, the abolition of the GSP treatment does form a temporary resistance to China's home appliance exports, but overall From a point of view, the scope of influence is limited. After years of development, China's home appliances have established a stable competitive advantage, both brand reputation and product quality, which are no longer the same as the industry stage when the first relying on "large volume and two large", and the global epidemic has not yet subsided. At the moment, the demand in the overseas home appliance market is still considerable, and the stable and huge production capacity of China's home appliance industry is still competitive. The cancellation of the GSP treatment can only be said to be a relatively small obstacle. I believe that after the adjustment of the Chinese home appliance industry, Make a leap.

In addition, the home appliance industry will also usher in new opportunities. On January 1, 2022, the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement" (RCEP) will come into effect. Free trade and market development will be reached within the scope of my country, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and the ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. At the same time, the agreement will also bring related benefits such as tariff reduction, improved customs clearance efficiency, and shortened logistics time for the export of home appliances. It will also bring operational space to the Chinese home appliance industry in terms of exports and slow down the cancellation of the GSP treatment. The resistance coming, and following this opportunity, the export direction can be adjusted. The Asia-Pacific region will be the key direction, and the quality upgrade will drive the development of the export of home appliances. It will also be able to fight for opportunities in the new track.
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